
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nothing Like a Little Shopping...

NEW RULE in the office! that's right, we have a DRESS CODE...and so to make the blues disappear. It's time to go shopping girls! But WHERE’s my M-O-N-E-Y to spend for shopping. I was running the risk of getting a lil goopy in some of my clothes for work and feeling increasingly hyped up with all the BIG SALE! everywhere I go! ZARA, MANGO,TOPSHOP! well, it'was just time of the year...END-OF-SEASON-SALE! last weekend I ran over there and picked up a few cheap things. Everything I bought was really feminine and stylish!

The big news is that there's a great new store which recently opened in the Philippines: Tadaaaaaaah! FOREVER 21 has just arrived in M-A-N-I-L-A....the feeling was ecstatic! felt like i'm inside a candy store


Sunday, June 27, 2010

You'll just know....

YOU'LL JUST KNOW!!! Even when you're at your lowest point in life, you'll feel safe
...when you can be yourself and be happy together and still have your own individual life
...when you find that putting up with that person is worth it
...when you can't imagine waking up next to somebody else
...when he loves to make you laugh and hates to see you cry
...when you wake up in the morning and you can still tolerate each other's breath
...when you do things together and have a heckuva fun
...when he's always ready to help you in tough times
...when he's seen me through my best and, more importantly, my worst, but is still by my side and loves me all the same...

Marriage used to be the farthest thing from my mind...Life certainly changed its course when i did met my hubby...


Thursday, June 24, 2010


I was just browsing this book one Sat afternoon we went to "Fully Booked Store" and couldn't help but put myself into the book. "It's the way that [Liz] wrote this book."
This book that I am currently hooked into, is all about finding the real sense why you exist? "Do you ever feel like you need to get away and really find yourself? Liz took a leap of faith. She left her husband, filed for divorce and embarked on a spiritual journey that led her to Italy, India and Bali. Liz turned her quest to reclaim her life and heal her broken heart into a book which she wrote EAT PRAY LOVE.

The route to healing she chose wasn't easy. Her journey of self-transformation included eating in Italy, praying in India and finding peace in Indonesia. I highly recommend this book for those looking for similar trasformation, who loves to travel like me, experience good food. I'm pretty much excited to see her travels come to life on the big screen and how interesting she finds the pursuit of pleasure by indulging in all the pizza,pasta,gelato she could handle which kinda sounds odd to me...but find it hilarious! =)

There's just this energy of the whole story about how hard intimacy is...How much we long for it and need it, That's where we all are in our lives, trying to figure out who we are in relationship to those around us and how we get over our greatest disappointments and try again.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

A month until Ashton's arrival

My baby is tipping the scales and I’m now able to tell whether it is a hand or an elbow pushing against my belly. Having to touch my belly and feel my baby’s movements is a playful and loving way for the two of us to get to know each other.

I'm getting anxious and I can't wait to meet my active little boy. I'm so ready for him to come out though, nights are getting increasingly uncomfortable. I can't believe I only have a few weeks left! I'm at the homestretch and I can't wait. It seems like I blew up overnight. I feel my son move all day and all night maybe he'll be a party boy! I'm just glad I'm healthy and I can't wait to meet him.

So many things running through my mind, talk about packing things for my hospital stay and trip home, I have to make sure to include a nursing gown, robe or PJ’s that open in the front; panties, warm socks, nursing bra; my toiletries, cream for sore nipples, sanitary pads, my baby clothes, blanky or onesies (lotsa lotsa receiving blankets), pajamas, mittens, baby cap to protect your head, feeding bottles, formula milk, newborn diapers, nappy (lots of them) diaper rush cream, salinase (for your booger hehehehe)

Just have to wash up all the clothing and then await the arrival of Neil Ashton
If family and friends come to visit me in the hospital, lil make up or lipstick and a quick hair fix for the photos they’ll want to take…
For the trip home, need to pack a comfortable and loose-fitting outfit for me, and hat for baby . A particularly photo-worthy outfit for us. Wait!!! we don’t have a worthy camera.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


We are ready for this baby to come, anytime now would be nice. People have told me I look "huge" which is sort of hard to take...but I know everyone is entitled to their opinion however I find it hard enough to be loving towards this changed body that I don't need other people reminding me that I am big! Does anyone else find other people's comments about their bodies insensitive... I know I am healthy, so I am happy about that and know I am blessed to have no complications. Anyways,I am starting to feel weird about only having few weeks left.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

False Alarm!!!

Mama Fids rushed me to the hospital last November 17, 2006 because of the contractions that I felt that night. I was rushed to the ER and was brought to the delivery room…. As a matter of fact this little brat has tried to make an appearance already.. had to sit in the hospital, on bed rest for a few days at home…. They think that it was a bladder infection they are not sure…But the contractions have stopped so I can hope that he can wait for few more weeks to come so he is good and healthy.
i got really scared coz I don’t want you to come out yet.

Further test was given to me only to find out that I was just having pregnancy spasms.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Trimesters and You're Out!

I'm officially in my third trimester! I can't believe how the time has flown! Few more weeks (give or take) and my Neil will be in my arms. It's so exciting to think that my baby can hear and react to things going on around me and his eyes are now open. It somehow makes him so much more real to me.

I think I'm really going to miss being pregnant (since this will be my last pregnancy), though, and I'm already sad that this will be over in a few short months - it's such a unique and amazing experience even on my previous ones. Not to get all goopy and sentimental, (oh what the hell, I'll just blame it on the hormones!)but I really love having a baby inside me, especially right now when I'm still relatively comfortable, Neil is moving a lot, and he is still safe and secure in my belly. But a little human who is more-or-less constantly latched onto me is a whole other story full of midnight feedings, mountains of diapers, and a million things that can go wrong. I'm just so used to this pregnancy thing and I do know that I'm so much ready for the next phase!
